Wednesday, June 11, 2014

One Last Post Of The Year

It's super weird to think that my Junior year in high school is just about over, but I'm glad that I was able to take part in Creative Arts Class. I feel like throughout the year I've grown as an artist to the point where my ideas and creativity is at a widened level than they were before. I've learned a lot from my teacher, classmates and assignments and I have been even more proud of myself with each assignment that I've completed. Since the beginning with the graphite pencil drawing, I've created so much more than I could imagine. I was so proud of myself for this drawing that it's crazy to think of where I've come. This is the this drawing I did this year:

From drawings with pencil to colored pencil and paintings and stamps to working with clay and making a totem pole and even creating my very own art book, I've done nothing but surprise myself throughout this whole year. I've learned about shapes and sizes when you're drawing portaits and I've learned about colors that contrast each other and  work well together through shading and stamping. Here are a few of my collages and stamp pieces:

I really enjoyed doing all of these assignments because they were creative and fun. I'm very proud with how they all came out. One of my favorite pieces from this year was my candy drawing. I had no idea that I would be able to draw something and make it seem as realistic as I did. This is what it looked like:

I've made a lot of cool artwork through the year, and I'm very proud of my last assignment of my totem pole:

I never thought that I would be good enough with clay to take ceramics, but I proved myself wrong and have taken the class next year. So many good things have come out of my time in Creative Arrs this year that I couldn't be happier with the abilities that I developed and all of the hard work that paid off for me.

Time Capsule

What is this? 
It looks like it could be a box from the future, or maybe even some type of weird device. Whoever designed this seemed to be a very colorful person. From the looks it this box, it seems to be a girl. She probably designed it to be like her personality. Colorful and cheerful with flowers and weird designs that she liked to doodle. There's rhinestones that probably show that this girl liked to be a shining person. Someone who likes to make her projects and ideas over the top with glitter and shiny items. It looks pretty cool if you ask me. I'm about to open it and see what's inside, or see if it blows up or starts to fly or tells me something crazy like it's from the future trying to spy on someone.

Sadly when I opened the box nothing spectacular came from it. It actually seems like it's from about 20 years ago. There's some writing in it, a girls name along with a few things about her. It says stuff about how it's her junior year of high school and the box is from 2014. That's crazy! It seems like it could be something from the future but it's 20 years old. It looks like it's a time capsule. I did a project and researched some things that were popular when my grandparents were alive and time capsules were one of them. I wish that we could make time capsules like this, it seems so cool but all we have is stupid holograms and video glasses. It would be so cool to try and save things to open so many years from now. This girl seemed to be pretty nice and had some close friends. There's some pictures of her and a few people in here and she seems to look pretty happy. There's also a cheerleading bow, which makes me assume she was a cheerleader. There's a lot of pink and blue so I'm sure those were her favorite colors. There's also this weird looking tan thing that looks like it's hard and folded. I've never seen one before and there's weird symbols on it. When I took a hologram of it, my phone sent me to a video of something called a fortune cookie and then I sort of recognized it. Of course we have Chinese food still, but we get fortunes sent to us on our phones, not in the form of cookies. This seems so much cooler! I wish that I lived back then. There's so many drawings in here that are really good looking. They're on small pieces of paper so that they would fit, and there's things like flowers and portaits of people that look like her family. There's also some prom pictures which is pretty cool because we still have prom pictures today. There magazine clippings of clothing and it looks like people who she liked to watch on tv. This part is pretty cool because we wear some of the things that were new and popular back then. It looks like she has a few favorite movies and tv shows. There's so many things in here about this girl and I really wish that I could find her and meet her to give her all of her stuff back. I'm sure she would love to see all of her old things, espeically all of these pictures and compare how she is now to how she was as a teenager. I'm really glad I found this because I'm going to try and bring back time capsules because this is such a great idea.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The vacation experience of a lifetime

There was a sudden extra burst of excitement as soon as the plane landed. I'm not even old enough for half of the things to do here, but that doesn't matter to me. Everything's so big and beautiful and every street looks so much different from the next. I was finally on vacation and Las Vegas couldn't look any cooler than does. 
Of course with all the gambling going on, I was a little worried that I wouldn't have much fun, but then I remembered all the shows I was going to. How I was going to see the Blue Man Group, or Criss Angel live and so much more like going to Fremont street. I became so excited to see all of the sights, swim in all of the pools and just relax all week. 
I could've stayed in my resort the whole vacation, it was the prettiest place I've ever been. It was huge, and the walls were covered with paintings as soon as I walked in. Gondola rides started in the resort and ended up outside, and we could hear the people singing all throughout the resort. The ceilings were decorated as the sky, with blue and pure white clouds and so many Italian looking restaurants. There was a mall, with so many stores and so much food all around. It was such an experience just the first day when we went to see the resort, and there was so much more to come.
The Blue Man Group was the first show we went to see. Walking through those streets at night wasn't the most safe thing to do as a kid, but it gave you this rebellious feeling without even being rebellious. With lights everywhere, the buildings looked so pretty. The Blue Man Group was one of the coolest and strangest things I've ever seen in my life. Three men who don't speak at all, who just play these "instruments" and mess with each other and mess with the guests. They had a "dinner party" which was one of the most interesting things they did. Not only did the bring a few people on strange, they brought everyone into the act by letting toilet paper come down on us, and as a team of an audience, we had to move it backwards over our heads. It was so interesting, and yet so much fun. 

I've seen some of Criss Angels show on tv, but in real life it's incredible. He lives at the Luxor, a pyramid shaped resort that is where we went to see his show. He was so nice and funny, showing us pictures of him when he was younger and showed us how he became to be who he was. All of the stuff that he did was mind blowing, just like you would think. There were motorcycles hovering in mid air, and he put things into his mouth that could kill somebody. It was so nerve racking but at the same time so cool. 
We did so much more throughout the vacation, like to to Fairmont street, where I bought this amazing spray- paint painting of Vegas. We went to m&m world and we rode on the zip line down Fairmont street. Out of all of the things I did during my experience at Las Vegas, those were my few favorite things that we did. You wouldn't expect a young kid to have as much fun as I did, and I can't wait to go back sometime. Just because im not old enough to gamble, there's so much more fun to come from such a far away place. It was an experience of a life time, and the most different vacation I've been on. 

The vacation experience of a lifetime

There was a sudden extra burst of excitement as soon as the plane landed. I'm not even old enough for half of the things to do here, but that doesn't matter to me. Everything's so big and beautiful and every street looks so much different from the next. I was finally on vacation and Las Vegas couldn't look any cooler than does. 
Of course with all the gambling going on, I was a little worried that I wouldn't have much fun, but then I remembered all the shows I was going to. How I was going to see the Blue Man Group, or Criss Angel live and so much more like going to Fremont street. I became so excited to see all of the sights, swim in all of the pools and just relax all week. 
I could've stayed in my resort the whole vacation, it was the prettiest place I've ever been. It was huge, and the walls were covered with paintings as soon as I walked in. Gondola rides started in the resort and ended up outside, and we could hear the people singing all throughout the resort. The ceilings were decorated as the sky, with blue and pure white clouds and so many Italian looking restaurants. There was a mall, with so many stores and so much food all around. It was such an experience just the first day when we went to see the resort, and there was so much more to come.
The Blue Man Group was the first show we went to see. Walking through those streets at night wasn't the most safe thing to do as a kid, but it gave you this rebellious feeling without even being rebellious. With lights everywhere, the buildings looked so pretty. The Blue Man Group was one of the coolest and strangest things I've ever seen in my life. Three men who don't speak at all, who just play these "instruments" and mess with each other and mess with the guests. They had a "dinner party" which was one of the most interesting things they did. Not only did the bring a few people on strange, they brought everyone into the act by letting toilet paper come down on us, and as a team of an audience, we had to move it backwards over our heads. It was so interesting, and yet so much fun. 

I've seen some of Criss Angels show on tv, but in real life it's incredible. He lives at the Luxor, a pyramid shaped resort that is where we went to see his show. He was so nice and funny, showing us pictures of him when he was younger and showed us how he became to be who he was. All of the stuff that he did was mind blowing, just like you would think. There were motorcycles hovering in mid air, and he put things into his mouth that could kill somebody. It was so nerve racking but at the same time so cool. 
We did so much more throughout the vacation, like to to Fairmont street, where I bought this amazing spray- paint painting of Vegas. We went to m&m world and we rode on the zip line down Fairmont street. Out of all of the things I did during my experience at Las Vegas, those were my few favorite things that we did. You wouldn't expect a young kid to have as much fun as I did, and I can't wait to go back sometime. Just because im not old enough to gamble, there's so much more fun to come from such a far away place. It was an experience of a life time, and the most different vacation I've been on. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fortune Cookie Assignment

Each student in my class chose a few random fortune cookies from a bag. The majority of the fortunes I chose had to do with success. I wanted to add the words on the back of the fortunes and how to say them in Chinese, so the base of my piece is all the words in English that were on the fortunes. The whole point of the messy work that I did underneath was so show that no matter how messy anything gets, you can still be successful. I also put the words in different areas and in different ways to symbolize how no matter how messed up or how scrambled something is, you can always pick yourself back up. The staircase is suppose to represent the steps to success. I really had a hard time with this project at first, but the more I did to it, the more it came together. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Art x 3

The assignment that we had was to create a collage based on celebrities. Not only was that a challenge, but a twist was thrown it. Each student had two days to start a collage, then it was passed on to another person. After that, each student had two days to continue an already started collage, then we switched one last time. The collage I started with looked really great and within the first two days I became attracted and didn't want to let it go. After that, I saved some of the ideas that I had for my final piece. The last collage that I had that is now my final piece was the sample that my teacher was doing, that didn't have much to do with celebrities so I had to make it my own. More into the celebrity theme, I think that being a celebrity is about money. Being someone who is famous and well known, you are always around people with money and you may even have a lot of money yourself. Some celebrities are actors, actresses, or musicians, but some people just become famous for random reasons and they instantly have the fame and fortune that not many people have. Another thing that makes you a celebrity is the paparazzi and the names and stories that come out about you. Whether it's good or bad, you become more recognized and make a name for yourself. A lot of people look up to celebrities, thinking that they are perfect when they really are just normal people, which is symbolized at the top middle of my collage with the words and money signs around it. It is also symbolized with the words underneath the faces in the middle to the left. I had a good experience with this project and I enjoyed the creativeness of switching papers every few days. It taught me that I can make something into my own even if I don't have any idea what I'm starting with. I think my collage came out nice and was very good and symbolizing what I think a celebrity is like.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pop Print

One of my favorite things we've done this year was the pop print. My class was instructed to pick an object that we would like to trace onto a stamp. The first object I chose was from our collection of blue things. I drew and transferred the picture of the now onto a stamp and cut it out. After producing many pieces with my bow stamp, I decided to make another one. My second stamp was a sun with a ying-yang in the center, simply because at the time I was doodling suns all over my paper. After I created both the stamps and printed with each, I decided to create a few pictures with both. I loved printing with all the different colors of ink and all the different ways I could use my stamp. I mostly used layering to make my combined pictures. I chose these two pictures to be my favorite for completely opposite reasons. The first picture was one of my favorites because I like all the colors and as soon as you look at it, you are unsure what it's suppose to be. You need to look more into it to be able to see the sun and ying-yanga underwear yellow bows. I loved the way the colors worked together. The second picture was one of my favorites because you can see everything that was printed. Originally it was just the pink suns with the black bows. I knew I wanted to color in the ying-yangs and I chose the color green because I thought it was the color that was the most different from black and pink. Overall, I really enjoyed making the stamps and printing many pictures on many different ways and colors.