Thursday, November 14, 2013


My class was assigned to bring in two blue items to start a collection based off of Portia Munson's famous colored collections. The picture we saw of her work was a picture of her "Pink Project"(link below). That was our inspiration to do a collection of the color we chose. There were so many blue things on the table, this is just a small portion of them. While looking around the table at all of the things my classmates and I brought in, I realized that a lot of people brought in things that they would use in their everyday life. I saw a few water bottles, a few wrappers and hangers. This picture was my favorite one that I took because I feel like it has one of everything in it. In one way, this picture shows that our generation is very into name brands and other generations before us didn't really mind so much. The Pink perfume bottle, the Hollister perfume bottle and even the Otterbox iPhone case show how we're a young group of people and we're into a lot of things. The football shows that as a whole some of our interests are in athletics, while the crayon and marker show that some of our interests are artistic. There are so many different items and each one comes from a different personality and that shows we're all different in our own little way.
